Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Peer, Pitch and Feedback

This is the feedback I received from my peers after presenting my Prezi to them.

Fay- Well laid out. Enthusiastic. Get BCAP rules. Clear voice. Make a slide script for the larger chunks of text. Change some of the layout because the advert idea goes into the TV listings.

Liam- Wrong title placement. Very clear. Lots of um's and erm's. Well projected. Script layout. Too much stuff in one slide. Great wording.

What am I going to do with this feedback?

From this feedback, I am going to alter some of the Prezi so it is laid out neater than it currently is. I am going to change the advert idea into a script version and move some things around to make the presentation cleaner and understandable. By doing this, it would help me find the information easier as well as for the audience to be able to lay out my information easier.

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