Thursday 5 May 2016

The nature and purposes of research in the creative media industries

Primary Research is research conducted by the first party like the production team or directors/producers. Primary research usually consists of surveying the public and conducting interviews. In my research, I used surveys to conduct my primary research and from that I was able to collect data. Using some of the feedback [like the feedback about covering certain areas] I was able to cover some of the things mentioned like focusing on opinions. 

Secondary Research is research that was conducted by a third party (one that didn't involve the first party) but is still useful in it's data. My secondary research consisted of Steam game ratings since the ratings were of a third party, I was able to collect their overall ratings and compare them with each other. Some places where secondary research can also be performed are within books, websites, Internet, CDs/DVDs, basically where any data can be found without the first party being involved.

Quantitative research is a term used for a large scale data collection. One example I used was Steam where there is an Overall Rating based on reviews from each individual who had purchased and played that game. This overall rating can be classed as Quantitative since there are no specific in-depth answers or rating from the community. Other places that Quantitative research is performed is the performance of a product (like a film's Box Office) or the figures (i.e. 773.8 million iPhones sold since it's release The Quantitative research covers an overall rating or review but lacks the intimate details.

Qualitative research is almost like the opposite of Quantitative. Qualitative research is usually based around one or possibly two people at any one time. With the Steam ratings, people leave comments and an overall analysis of their enjoyment/displeasure with the game. The individual reviews show what people liked and disliked about a game. Websites that do exclusive interviews are also part of the Qualitative research since only one person conducts the review and writes their own opinion, giving intimate details and verdicts as the review progresses.

FTL's ratings on Steam, Quantitative on the left with the 'Overwhelmingly Positive' rating while on the right a thumbs up or down and a reason why by each individual person. (click image to enlarge)

BARB (Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board) is a data collector agency where they collect analytics and data on the TV programs and their viewer rate over a day, week, month and year. BARB then compiles these results into helpful data where anyone can view and look at the most popular channels on TV. IMDb works in a similar way where IMDb and the community have built a database of movies, games and TV shows and showcases the full cast and crew as well as production figures and user reviews. 

Audience and Market research is important when coming to producing a product or piece of media. The components of the research consist of geodemographics/demographics (which are things to do with the audience and their geographical location), audience retention and much more. This is to find out more about the kind of market and audience are responding to your research, but also the type of audience you want to aim your product at. For my documentary, I decided to run a survey and had people to respond to it. This way, I was able to reach out to people and ask them these questions and they were able to respond to them to help me gather data. I found that mostly young adults answered the questionnaire, and most of them male. I also found that about half of the respondents didn't know much about the subject and were interested in learning about indie games. 

Production research is the type of research someone needs to carry out before starting actual production. This research can consist of budgeting, viability, locations, equipment and personnel. For my production, I didn't need a budget so I didn't need to consider purchasing anything nor budgeting for the entire production. I was able to lease some equipment from the college Audio Visual room and I was also able to use locations in and around college as well as another extra room outside of college.

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