Sunday 1 May 2016

Questionnaire Results and Analysis

Create your own user feedback survey

Compiling the data, I found that the age range was very diverse. There was no predominate age range or any correlation in age-respondents to be found, however the data seems to lead towards the younger ages rather than the older ones. The highest age was 33 and the youngest were 16, hence the starting age.

From the results above, it seems that the majority of the respondents were male while the rest identified as female or Non-binary/Agender. Most of the respondents were also students followed up by teachers and then the Unemployed and Retail workers.

From the responses above, we can see that Wildlife/Nature is one of the favourites along with Science and History. Other documentary preferences involved all of the subjects, multiple subjects, music and art.

From the responses above, when asked what they knew about Indie Games, most seem to understand that the Indie genre is focused more on the independent publishers/developers while few know very little about them.

When asked what Indie games or favourite indie games that the respondents had played, they were more happy to tell if they had or not. Some talk about [or even imply] that they have played a lot of indie games while some have not played indie games.

When asked if they preferred High budget or indie games, most of the respondents said they were undecided or neutral about it.  Within the 25% that had a preference, 66.8% of the respondents had a preference for High Budget Triple-A games while 33.2% said they preferred Indie. From this analysis, we can possibly aim this documentary at the Undecided respondents to possibly educate them.

When asked if the respondents would have liked to see a documentary about Indie games, a large percentage said yes, while the rest stayed Undecided. We then asked why; we can see that there are people who would want to be interested in learning about this market and some even say that there isn't any documentaries on Indie games and it would be "cool" to see one.

After reading a short description of the aim of the documentary, about a quarter of the respondents were extremely interested while the other 75 percent we're moderately-very interested in the documentary idea. From this, we can see that there is an audience that this documentary will appeal to. We asked the respondents why and this is what they said:

From this, we can see that there is an interest in different areas or general areas, so this would be something to focus on during production.

When asking for feedback, some said there was nothing to add. Some respondents would just like to learn about history or peoples opinions while others suggested looking into very specific parts of the Indie industry like their gameplay or development. I will consider all points here.

I compiled the data using Google Sheets. The sheet can be found here: 

For my secondary research, I went to to look at some rating for indie games. I found that FTL and Papers, Please were among the higher rated indie games along with 

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