Monday 19 October 2015

DepicT Pre Production Documents

Moon picture- The picture is directly sourced from NASA. NASA have said that the media is pretty much copyright-free, quote: 

NASA still images, audio files, video, and computer files used in the rendition of 3-dimensional models, such as texture maps and polygon data in any format, generally are not copyrighted. You may use this material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, computer graphical simulations and Internet Web pages. This general permission extends to personal Web pages.” 

Source of information here.

This picture is our budget sheet. This is all the stuff we bought during the planning. We had most of the props and costumes, but we needed to buy the cape from the internet. The receipt is also here.

Above, the three talent release forms. One for Liam, me and Fay. We also have Peter's release form since he is also in the film.
This is the Location release form. This was to get permission to film in the green screen room, W16. For permission to be granted, we had to get certain staff to sign the form to say they allow us to film inside the college. All other locations are of public property and so we did not need to get permission from anyone to film at said location.
This is our planning schedule. We planned the first day to be in W16 shooting green screen shots and the other 3 days were for filming outside.

Above is the two recces for both the park and the college grounds. We had to fill these out as potential shooting locations.

Above is the risk assessment for our production shoot. We had to evaluia

Above is the shot list and storyboard. Both of these were made and discussed during the pre-production stages. We all took turns to write and draw the pictures.

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